Yi, Eunhee


Eunhee Yi is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Physiology. Dr. Yi's research focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms behind the oncogenic behavior of extrachromosomal gene amplification (ecDNA). She earned her Ph.D. in Biomedical Science from the Seoul National University School of Medicine in South Korea. Following her doctoral studies, she completed postdoctoral training in Cancer Genomics at the Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine. Prior to joining MSU, Dr. Yi served as a research faculty member in the Neurosurgery Department at Yale University.


The primary goal of the Yi Lab is to provide novel mechanistic insights into ecDNA regulation and its role in cancer progression. We are especially interested in the impact of ecDNA on treatment resistance, metabolic reprogramming, and cell-to-cell communication. The Yi Lab employs a multidisciplinary approach, utilizing experimental technologies such as molecular and cell biology, genome engineering, genome imaging, live-cell imaging, and high-throughput genetic and drug screenings.

Eunhee Yi


Eunhee Yi Lab
Office: 517.884.5052