Anna Moore is the director of MSU’s Precision Health Program and Assistant Dean at the College of Human Medicine. Her research is aimed at developing theranostic agents for imaging and therapy in cancer and diabetes.
Dr. Moore received her Ph.D. in Bioorganic Chemistry from A.N. Bach Institute of Biochemistry, Academy of Sciences in Moscow, Russia. Dr. Moore previously worked at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School. She is the founder of TransCode Therapeutics and a member of the World Molecular Imaging Society and the International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.
Dr. Moore’s research involves the development and use of in vivo molecular imaging technologies to unravel complex biological pathways and pathogenic mechanisms in various diseases. Her research in cancer imaging and therapy has prompted the application of these diagnostic and treatment tools in other areas of biomedicine. Dr. Moore is also developing methods for early and continuous monitoring of genetic alterations in patients with diabetes, with the goal of treating patients and also preventing disease in healthy populations.

Office: 517.355.4091
Moore Lab