Rebecca Lehto is an Associate Professor in the College of Nursing. Dr. Lehto conducts research in cancer, specifically related to psychological adaptation.
Dr. Lehto received her BSN in Nursing from Oregon Health Sciences University in Portland, Oregon. She earned a M.S., Ph.D., and completed a postdoctoral fellowship all from the University of Michigan. Dr. Lehto has been recognized as a Fellow in the American Academy of Nursing (FAAN).
Dr. Lehto’s research addresses the impact of cancer on patients’ mental health. Dr. Lehto’s earlier research evaluated cognitive and affective factors that contribute to vulnerability in cancer adaptation. Her more recent research investigates the efficacy of cognitively mediated modalities such as meditative practices to promote symptom management and adaptation to cancer. Other projects include evaluating use of technology to deliver meditation training to support caregivers of palliative care and end of life patients.