David Todem is an Associate Professor in the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. His research focuses on developing statistical methods to analyze data generated from population-based studies of Alzheimer’s disease and cancer.
Dr. Todem received an M.S. in Biostatistics from Hasselt University in Belgium. He later earned an M.S. in Population Health and a Ph.D. in Statistics from the University of Wisconsin Madison. Dr. Todem also received a prestigious Faculty Career Development K01 award from the National Cancer Institute.
Dr. Todem’s research interests include: 1) models for longitudinal, clustered and functional data; 2) joint models for (multi-state) time-to-event endpoints and longitudinal outcomes; 3) inferential techniques for non- and weakly-identifiable models with application to informative nonresponse; and 4) testing procedures for evaluating non-negative heterogeneity parameters with application to mixture models. Dr. Todem applies these models in cancer research using longitudinal data on quality of life endpoints for patients during and post-treatment. Models for serial data on quality of life outcomes are critically important in understanding the effectiveness of a treatment regimen in cancer patients.