Bin Gu is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences within the College of Human Medicine. Dr. Gu’s research focuses on investigating molecular mechanisms regulating early embryo development and genetic disease.
Dr. Gu received his Ph.D. in Cell Biology from Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China. He completed his postdoctoral training in the Program of Developmental and Stem Cell Biology at the Hospital for Sick Children in Canada.
Dr. Gu’s lab uses genome editing technologies to develop preclinical models of complex mutations in human disease. Through genomics and stem cell technologies, they interrogate the molecular mechanisms of genetic diseases to acquire new knowledge, and ultimately contribute to new therapeutic strategies. The Gu lab is currently developing genetically engineered mouse models to study oncogenic fusion genes in solid tumors. This group has developed the first genetically engineered mouse model for NUT Carcinoma, an aggressive solid tumor caused by fusion genes involving NUTM1 and one of a few epigenetic modifier genes such as BRD4 (70% of reported human cases). By inducing endogenous chromosome translocations that form a Brd4-Nutm1 fusion gene, Dr. Gu has demonstrated the oncogenic activity of the fusion gene in vivo.