Matti Kiupel is a Professor in the Department of Pathobiology and Diagnostic Investigation within the College of Veterinary Medicine. Dr. Kiupel uses animal models of human cancer to study tumorigenesis and identify therapeutic targets.

Dr. Kiupel received his veterinary degree from the Freie University in Berlin, Germany. He is a board-certified veterinary pathologist and holds multiple certifications and graduate degrees, including a Dr. med. vet. in Veterinary Pathology from the Freie University in Berlin, Germany; a Ph.D. in Veterinary Pathology from Purdue University; and a Dr. habil from the LMU in Munich, Germany. He oversees the immunohistochemistry and histology laboratory section in the Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory at MSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine.


Dr. Kiupel’s lab characterizes the immunohistochemical and molecular profiles of various cancers across many species for diagnostic and prognostic purposes. Dr. Kiupel’s group aims to develop molecular profiles to predict targeted therapy for precision medicine approaches in cancer. His lab is currently investigating the molecular profiles of chemotherapy resistant versus chemotherapy sensitive canine diffuse large B-cell lymphomas, and the role of tyrosine kinase receptors in canine melanomas.

Matti KiupelCONTACT
Office: 517.432.2670