Barbara Given is a University Distinguished Professor and Interim Associate Dean of Research in the College of Nursing. NIH funded her research for over thirty-four years. She has received funding and support through the years from the National Cancer Institute, National Institute on Mental Health, National Institute for Nursing Research, National Institute on Aging, Walther Cancer Institute, Michigan Department of Community Health, and the American Cancer Society.
Dr. Given completed her Ph.D. at Michigan State University. She completed both her BSN and MSN at Ohio State University.
Dr. Given’s research career focuses on the relationship between the formal health care system and the informal care system of patients and their families. Caregivers must implement care for chronic disease and cancer. One of Dr. Given’s early research impacts is the Caregiver Burden Instrument that enables the evaluation of the burden that is caring for a loved one. The Caregiver Burden instrument remains in use both in research and among agencies. It has been translated into many languages, including Dutch, German, Japanese, Chinese, Tai, Spanish, and Hebrew.
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