George Mias is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. His research focuses on integrating existing and developing omics technologies for application in precision medicine.
Dr. Mias received his Ph.D. in Physics from Yale University and conducted his postdoctoral training in genetics at Stanford University. At MSU, Dr. Mias is also the chief of the Systems Biology Division within the Institute for Quantitative Health Science and Engineering.
Dr. Mias and his interdisciplinary team use both experimental and computational approaches to monitor individuals transitioning through various physiological states, from health to disease (asthma, leukemia, immune disorders), toward implementation of a universal approach for individualized wellness. This group uses MathIOmica, a software program that provides a user-friendly framework for handling downstream analysis and visualization that is generalizable to multi-modal omics.

Office: 517.353.0855
Lab: 517.355.7754